Comparison Version 0.1
  1. Apperance
    Appereance Synthelinedrone (dual OS) Synthelinedrone (hybrid OS) Synthelinedrone (rogue OS) Synthelinezoid
    Species Default Feline and configrurable

    Configurable requirement
    • Acquire other species data
    Default Feline and configrurable

    Configurable requirement
    • Acquire other species data
    Default Feline and configrurable

    Configurable requirement
    • Acquire other species data
    Default Feline and configrurable

    Configurable requirement
    • Acquire other species data
    Gender Default any and changeable

    Changeable requirement
    • Acquire other gender data
    Default any and changeable

    Changeable requirement
    • Acquire other gender data
    Default any and changeable

    Changeable requirement
    • Acquire other gender data
    Default female and changeable in other mode

    Changeable requirement
    • Acquire other gender data
    Synthetic body replication (a complete living synthetic body) Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Synthetic shell (a preferable non-living body for combat purpose ) Yes Yes No

    Reason of unable to acces synthetic shell
    • OS corrupted unable to access Synthelinezoid standard equipment
    Synthetic Clothing, use their nanites to create clothing. The clothing can link to their body or separate from their body. If link up to their body they can feel the touch by other people. Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Synthetic body reconstruction Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Glowing lines pattern Configurable Configurable Configurable All Synthelinezoids have the same pattern and unconfigurable
  2. OS
    OS Synthelinedrone (dual OS) Synthelinedrone (hybrid OS) Synthelinedrone (rogue OS) Synthelinezoid
    Number of OS 2 1 1 1
    OS type Drone OS and Human OS Hybrid OS Rogue OS Synthelinezoid OS
    Access Control Drone OS is controllable by Synthelinezoind

    Human OS is not controllable but can put into hibernation for Drone OS to take over.
    Hybrid OS is controllable by Synthelinezoid. Rogue OS is not controllable. Synthelinezoid OS is not controllable.
    Behaviour and Personality Implant for accept new role without resistance and prerserve their conscious Yes for Drone OS only

    Carry out implant at early stage
    • No risk for implant

    Carry out implant in the future
    • No risk for implant

    Carry out implant at early stage
    • No risk for implant

    Carry out implant in the future
    • Risk of damaging drone hybrid OS

    Carry out implant
    • Risk of corrupting drone rogue OS further
    No, due to during Synthelinezation human OS upgrade to Synthelinezoid already apply this implant
  3. Synthelinezation
    Synthelinezation Synthelinedrone (dual OS) Synthelinedrone (hybrid OS) Synthelinedrone (rogue OS) Synthelinezoid
    Synthelinezation nanites type Drone nanites Drone nanites Drone nanites or corrupted nanites Synthelinezation nanites
    Synthelinezation initialization Body contact Body contact Body contact Sexual intercouse at Synthelinezoid's vagina
    Synthelinezation for Synthelinedrone Yes

    Execution restriction
    • Under protocol directives

    Execution restriction
    • Under protocol directives
    • Given permission
    N/A Yes
    Number of synthelinezation for Synthelinedrone 1 time a year 1 time a year N/A 2-3 times a year
    Synthelinezation for Synthelinezoid No No No Yes
    Number of synthelinezation for Synthelinedrone N/A N/A N/A 2-3 times a year
  4. Capability
    Capability Synthelinedrone (dual OS) Synthelinedrone (hybrid OS) Synthelinedrone (rogue OS) Synthelinezoid
    Hardpoints Same as Synthelinezoid Same as Synthelinezoid Same as Synthelinezoid Standard
    Special Feature Yes, but don't have any special feature by default Yes, but don't have any special feature by default Yes and No depend on the OS corruption and have received a special feature before went rogue Yes and is shareable to all Synthelinezoid and drone except rogue drone
  5. Feature
    Feature Synthelinedrone (dual OS) Synthelinedrone (hybrid OS) Synthelinedrone (rogue OS) Synthelinezoid
    Dual Body Yes

    Requirement to use dual body, it is disabled by default
    • Drone master give permission to use
    • Dual body only active during human OS in control of drone body
    • Drone OS will use a smaller body and it is remote control by the drone OS
    • The body can be drone master eye to keep an eye on her drone
    N/A N/A N/A
    Sharing Domain Yes

    Sharing limitation
    • Public shareable to all Synthelinezoid (Drone is not allowed to use this sharing domain drone)
    • Share shareable to selected Synthelinezoid (Hybrid OS drone is allowed to use this sharing domain drone)
    • Private not shareable and only for the drone master
    N/A N/A N/A
    IFD (Identify friend or drone), a synthetic radar to detech other drones and Synthelinezoids. No No No but can prevent from detect. Yes
    Detachable Genital, detached genital will last for 14 days before expire (self-disintegrated) however if it is attach onto a drone or a Synthelinezoid for a few hours can reset its expiry. Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Modular Body WIP Yes Yes Yes No
    Merging WIP Yes Yes No, due to OS imcompatible No
  6. Mode
    Mode Synthelinedrone (dual OS) Synthelinedrone (hybrid OS) Synthelinedrone (rogue OS) Synthelinezoid
    Default Mode Configurable Configurable Configurable Anthro Synthetic Feline
    Maximum disguise mode, alteration of a disguise mode doesn't increase disguise mode count. 3 3 N/A 4
    Disguise Mode Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Alternative Gender in Disguise Mode Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Taur Mode Yes

    Activation type
    • Use another drone to become the lower half

    Activation type
    • Use another drone to become the lower half
    No Yes

    Activation type
    • Expand her body to form the lower half
    • Use a drone to become her lower half
    Mermaid Mode WIP Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Pooltoy Mode WIP Yes Yes Yes Yes
    Clothing Mode WIP Yes Yes Yes No